Indiana Missions | Hope Week 2022


Grace Carey Photography

June 22, 2022

I want to start of by saying THANK YOU to every single person who supported the Indiana missions trip. Whether you directly donated towards my personal fund, donated towards another one of the team’s fund, thank you. If you kept us at all in your prayers, it is deeply appreciated. I can not wait to share of how the Lord has worked in this sweet small town of Huntington, Indiana.

At first, being from Michigan, I did not want to go to Indiana of all places on a missions trip. The Lord humbled me with this opportunity being presented and He called me to Indiana. He showed me in ways that only He could work, it is absolutely crazy, especially now looking back.

The community at Awakening Church is quite literally unmatched to most any local church that I have seen and been apart of. The pure love and worship that they give to Christ and to the community in such a humble way that glorifies the Lord, it is beautiful and reflects the Kingdom. Their heart for worship is pure, the fire for Christ that the people of this church has is inspiring and is different than most any church that I have witnessed. They inspire me to continue serving the Lord and His people for the needed shift in this world for His glory according to the Word. Both in and out of the church.


For the first half, we had the opportunity to serve along with the youth of Awakening Church for “Hope Week”. This is where we had the chance to hear more of evangelism, both how to and why we do it. So we went out onto the streets and followed the Lord’s command of making disciples. When we did it once, it became so addicting where you could not help but want to go up to a stranger and pray for them, despite any fear because the Lord is so good and all should hear His name. It was so moving to watch middle schoolers boldly go up to people and pray for them and to have the zeal that they have for the Kingdom. This was once again, so inspiring.

For part of Hope week along with the rest of the time that my group had there, we got the chance to help out at a few different local spots. Including the Boys & Girls club of Huntington, Love Inc, the Indiana Dream Center, and along with serving a few members of the Awakening Church. We not only were able to serve, but we were also able to give the Lord the deserving glory for the week every morning through intentional praise and worship from the lead pastor at Awakening. It was amazing, this whole week was amazing and every single ounce of glory and recognition goes to the Lord alone because without Him this week would not exist, we would not exist. The Lord is so good, y’all.


There is so much testimony that I could share from this trip, and I know that the girls on this team would say the same. He answered prayers in ways that are so extremely evident, even though I doubted before. He showed His goodness despite the trials this week and showed how His strength in greater in spiritual warfare experiences. But I’ll just share a tad bit of my thoughts with y’all, I would be more than happy to have an in person conversation about this all, though.

Like I said prior, this trip really humbled me. I have wanted to go to Israel to see where Jesus walked and to serve there, but I was unable to due to external circumstances. The Lord opens and shuts doors and we may not see why He is because the opportunity just seems so amazing, but in the end it is for His good and our own well being.

The only realistic open door that the Lord showed me was the trip to an Indiana missions trip and being from Michigan, this was not ideal because it felt too close to home. But it is not about me and my flesh desires, but rather about Him and spreading His glory, no matter where. As Christians, we are called to live daily lives dedicated to the Lord and the great commission. This is is not a suggestion, rather it is a command. There are people on our literal streets that need the Lord. Missions is not only going to Africa and building wells (which is also important), but also telling your next door neighbor about the Gospel. I knew this prior, but put it on the back burner. After coming here, to Indiana, I realized how important that was.

The Lord works in unexpected ways that we can not even imagine. Because He was truly moving big time this last week. There were many moments that clearly were orchestrated by the Lord, in particular, when lives were given to the Lord, in our group and on the streets. There is nothing that quite compares to witnessing a rebirth of life. It is both humbling and exhilarating knowing that there is a party in Heaven for this soul.

I can not wait to see what the lord continues to do through the Awakening Church and through every person involved and touched by “Hope Week”. I know that this was not a last for the girls on the team and me, because it is now another home, Huntington, Indiana. We love you, but most of all we love you, Lord, He gets the glory.

Thank You to my Indiana Family

I would also like to thank a few specific people in Huntington. You each have inspired me greatly in different ways, I thank you for that.

Pastor Ashlyn, you inspire me as a woman in ministry. Your boldness and the absolute surrender you give to the Lord in ministry, you are real, authentic, and it is clear your heart is purely set on the Lord and do everything for Him and His glory. I aspire to be like you someday, a strong woman in ministry. The Lord works through you on the daily. Simply from the small amount of time you spoke every morning during hope week, I just wanted to keep listening, you have so much wisdom to pour out and you do it in such a way that is so enticing. That is so clearly the Lord working through you, He has definitely given you the gift of communicating to His people. I can not wait to someday come to Awakening Church again to hear you give a word from the Lord. Finally, Thank you for setting an example to the SEU team, the youth, Awakening family, and everybody you come across. Oh and you also have EXTREMELY amazing style that I love, and if you knew me more, you would know I’m picky and do not say that often, so that’s huge, haha.

Jillian, you dedicated your whole week to us, let us use your car the whole time, and drove us just about everywhere. You sacrificed so much of your time and I can not even imagine how much you sacrifice daily and behind the scenes. You are a true woman of God. Not only, but you are also a hoot and a holler and a half. You make everybody smile and you make the funniest jokes. But even if you think you cross a line, you humbly ask if that person is ok and you apologize. You are an amazing mother to your children, your family is blessed to have you. You are strong, yet humble, I admire you so much for that and thank you again for your hospitality every single day.

Alison, the Lord has placed a very clear calling and purpose on your life, to pour into the children in Huntington and beyond. You have a natural gift and I cannot even begin to imagine how many people tell you that, or at least should tell you that because you exhibit that gift on the daily all for the glory for God. You call yourself the “junk door” in the Awakening church because you help out with everyone and everything, you figure out small details. I call that gifted and ready to serve the Lord and His people, I look up to you for that and aspire to be that way and admire that trait about you greatly. You are extremely considerate and thoughtful of others, you make them feel loved. Thank you for all of the sacrifice you gave to each of us this week and to the Boys & Girls Club, and every other place that is blessed enough to have you. As Jill says, everyone needs an Alison in their life.

CJ, your zeal for the lord is unmatched. You are ready. You are ready to serve the Kingdom and the people. You exhibit what it looks like to follow through with the great commission on the daily. You use your job for ministry, your car for ministry, gosh, I cannot even imagine what else, you simply just allow the Lord to use yourself for ministry! You inspire me with how you are constantly on a mission to help make Heaven crowded. Your wisdom is beyond and your story is an extremely strong example of how the Lord works and I love how open you are about it. Part of your story is how the Lord spoke to me, and I thank you for that and deep down I know that I will never forget you and your heart for the kingdom.

Hallie, you have a kind heat, we did not speak much but from the small portions of time we did, it shows. Your heart is gentle and yet you are bold and meek. You showed us hospitality when you did not even have to, your hospitality inspires me. You went out of your way to make gluten free food for only two of us, that shows how you are selfless and think of everyone and truly care. You truly cared about our stories and that meant a lot to me and I know it meant a lot to the other girls, too. The Lord has given you a gift of worship and wow, your voice is beautiful! I do not say that lightly either, you can sing and you use that gift for the kingdom. Thank you for your kindness, encouragement, and wisdom.

Angie, goodness gracious your heart is pure and beautiful. You exhibit confidence and care to everybody. Your hospitality is one that I have never seen before. You open up your doors without hesitation, you tell me that if I want to come down to visit, after only barely knowing me, that your doors are open and you are ready with open arms. That is Biblical and that is truly a gift. I know we said it all a lot to you, but we do for a reason, because your heart and home are a warm place where you welcome each of us and so many others I could only imagine. You took the time so many days to simply serve us food from your servants heart, you exhibit a woman of the Lord, thnak you for that and inspiring me with your willingness and hospitality.


There were many opportunities to take photos, but I did not capture them all because there were a few that I could not help but be apart of, so some have less than others. I can not wait for someday to look back on these amazing moments that give glory to the Lord alone.

Day 1

On Monday, we got to go out into downtown Huntington and split off into groups to clean up the streets for their Heritage Day. Such as sweeping up the streets, picking weeds, getting cigarette buds, and so much more for teh glory of God. Afterwards, we went to the Awakening to worship and eat but also do a prayer walk around their building praying for their church, city, and people.

Day 2

On Tuesday, we first had the opportunity to dig into His Word, a great start to everyday that the leaders pushed so much. After, we once again split off into groups going to Love Inc, The Boys and Girls Club, the streets of downtown, a food pantry, and the Indiana Dream Center to serve.

Day 3

On this day, we went to people in the church’s home to give them a small show of songs from some on fire spirits through praising Him. We were also able to go into the Indiana Dream Center thrift store and pick out clothes for the evangelism on the streets we would do that evening at the carnival. It was amazing witnessing people get out of comfort zones and go up to strangers and start a conversation leading to praying over them a blessing. What an amazing day this was.

Day 4

We had the opportunity because of so many hospitable people in the town of Huntington to have fellowship over food. We painted fences at a very sweet couple’s home where we also got to hang out with some horses who were so adorable.

Day 5

I am not going to share the photos from today because our service project then was at the local boys & girls club. Due to the difficult living situations some of these kids live in, I do not want to post them on the internet. No matter what, documented or not, the Lord is always working.

Day 6

This week I was taught that sabbath is extremely important, especially when serving. Taking a break does not mean you are lazy, it is Biblical to rest. So this was our rest day and I am so thankful for it.

Day 7

Sunday we got to be apart of the serve team at the Awakening and most of all we got to be apart of witnessing water baptisms. Baptism Sundays are my personal favorite, so the fact we got t be here for it, I love. The Lord spoke through Pastor Chad, his very first sermon at The Awakening which is so cool and amazing. The Lord was so clearly working through him on Sunday morning for father’s day! That evening, our contacts took us all out on a hike and it showed how there are so many little gems in the least expected places filled with God’s beautiful creation.

Day 8

This day was amazing and yet very emotional knowing that the next morning we would be headed back home. But it was so much fun being able to hang out with Ms Angie and receive her gift of hospitality for lunch. Then we had the opportunity to help out a very kind woman in the community with landscaping, what a powerful team of ladies.

  1. Riley says:

    GRACE YOU ARE WICKED TALENTED AND INTELLIGENT!!!!!!! What a wonderful woman, truly. You are so honest and open to encourage people when they inspire you, and I want you to know YOU inspire ME!

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